Cedar Falls High School
Class of 1967
50th Class Reunion

We have attempted to verify addresses from a couple of sources, one of which is the phone book.  If we were unable to find a listing for you we have probably listed you here.

Here are the people we are still trying to get good addresses for:

  1. Camille Mitchel Bastrop

  2. Stephen Booth (last known Wasilla, Alaska maybe in Tucson, AZ area)

  3. Mike Robert Broad

  4. Benita Wildebour Brown

  5. Faith Bramblett Byerly

  6. Jim Raymond Cook (last known Irving, TX)

  7. Judy Lynn Curtis

  8. Kathy June Enloe Ellsworth (last known Laredo, TX)

  9. Nancy Jane Colson Evans

  10. Barry L. Findlay

  11. Stafford French

  12. Nina Coetzee-Fufte

  13. Tim Gordon

  14. Micheline Kauffman Hall

  15. Marilyn Faye Lindley Hansen (last known Des Moines)

  16. Becky Blair Hansen (last known Denmark)

  17. Terry Ray Hanna 

  18. Colleen Hare (last known Riverton, WY)

  19. Ron Hastings (last known Texas)

  20. Linda Kepler Nevel (last known Rockford, IL)

  21. John Thomas Kerbey (last known LaPorte, TX )

  22. Brock Knoll

  23. Annette Konegnee

  24. Steve Bruce Kuehne 

  25. Melve Joyce Langdale

  26. Beverly Hott Llobet (last known Port Angeles, WA)

  27. Connie Sue Shick Maach (last known Louisiana)

  28. Roger Dean McCoy 

  29. Ilse Jensen Myien (last known Colville, WA)

  30. Kathy Thrasher Ohrt

  31. Marilyn Page

  32. James Charles Pearce (Last known Des Moines)

  33. David Larry Pedersen

  34. Debby L. Pines Peyton

  35. Linda Joyce Price 

  36. Ronald D. Reeves

  37. Mike John Ross

  38. Lester Neal Schrock (last known MN)

  39. Steven T Shafer

  40. Larry Shepard (last known Cedar Falls)

  41. Bill Simpson (last in Waukee, IA)

  42. Nicholet Smith

  43. Loren Dean Stickfort (last in Redway, CA)

  44. Karen Kaye Sutton


We are fishing for a few people and we need your help in locating
these individuals.

Any addresses that you have may be sent to Class of 67 info .